Invisibility cloak created in 3-D

March 20, 2011

Researchers have developed a three-dimensional invisibility cloak that works for visible light — red light at a wavelength of 700 nm — independent of its polarization.

Check it out here

The Universe Has Sound!

March 15, 2011

Perseus, the brightest cluster of galaxies in the X-ray region, located some 250 million miles away has at its center a black hole. The Chandra X-ray Observatory has discovered that surrounding the black hole is a ripple effect of waves of hot cluster gas. According to NASA, these ripples can create sound waves as they travel hundreds of thousands of light years away from the cluster’s central black hole.

In musical terms, the pitch of the sound generated by the Perseus black hole translates into the note of B flat or A sharp. But it is not something we can hear. Not only is it far away but the sound frequency it makes is a note 57 octaves lower than middle-C. This is a frequency that is over a million, billion times deeper than the limits of human hearing, and the deepest note ever detected from an object in the universe.

To hear this sound, click here.

Electric cars require enhanced batteries

March 14, 2011

According to the survey, electric cars are much preferred by motorists than the fueled cars. It is because it can is cheaper. Also, the electric cars are our future cars, and presently, it doesnt have any ideal battery that can help sustain its energy.

For more information, pls. visit this site.

An alien does exist- NASA

March 6, 2011

Do you believe that aliens exist?
You want a proof of it?

They really do exist as NASA’s astrobiologist Dr. Richard B. Hoover stated. He found an evidence of Alien life – fossils of bacteria found in an extremely rare class of meteorite called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites. (There are only nine such meteorites on planet Earth.)

This is really interesting. If you want to read more about this news, you can visit this link

credits: Yahoo! News and

“Hogan’s Holometer” and the Holographic Universe

February 27, 2011

A new machine called “Hogan’s Holometer” presently being built at Fermilab will measure more precisely than any hitherto constructed the odd noise signals detected in previous searches for the gravitational waves (and their concomitant space-time ripples) that are theoretically emitted in the violent collisions between black holes and supernovas.The interesting thing about the noise emissions which precipitated the building of the Holometer is that according to Dr. Hogan, physicist directing its construction, the anomalous signals may indicate “microscopic convulsions of space-time”—i.e., at the quantum or micro-level.


Solar flares herald rare glimpses of northern lights over UK

February 20, 2011

Solar flares on the Sun on 17 February 2011View larger picture
This image, captured in ultraviolet on 17 February 2011, shows the powerful solar flares that may lead to unusual displays of the northern lights. Photograph: Nasa/SDO

At least three powerful solar flares on the sun have hurled billions of tonnes of material towards the Earth, which could light up the night sky in a spectacular aurora borealis.


For you to know more about this news, visit this site:

Wired Science News for Your Neurons Previous post ‘Magnetricity’ Created in Crystals of Spin Ice

February 14, 2011

I believe that Electricity found is sister: Magnetricity!!

A team of physicists in England has created magnetic charges — isolated north and south magnetic poles — and induced them to flow in crystals no bigger than a centimeter across. These moving magnetic charges, which behave almost exactly like electrical charges flowing through batteries and biological systems, could one day be useful in developing “magnetronic” devices — though what such devices would do is anybody’s guess.

In magnets, poles always come in pairs. No matter how many times you cut a magnet in half, down to the atoms themselves, each piece will always have a north and a south — a dipole.

But the magnetic molecules that make up a crystalline material called spin ice are arranged in triangular pyramids that prevent them from lining up comfortably with all of their poles pointing in the same direction. In an awkward compromise, each pyramid tends to have two magnets pointing inward and two pointing outward.

In 2009 Steven Bramwell of the University College of London found that sometimes a molecule squirms and flips. Two poles, a north and a south, are born. The molecule itself stays put, but these ghostly poles, which aren’t actually attached to a physical object, can move around independently of each other as chain reactions of flipping molecules carry them from pyramid to pyramid.

“Eventually they get so far apart that they lose all memory of each other,” says Bramwell. “The dipole splits in half and becomes two monopoles.”

Some scientists have questioned the use of the term monopole for a phenomenon that exists only inside spin ice. This term traditionally refers to cosmic monopoles thought to be created during the Big Bang and first theorized by Paul Dirac in 1931.

“A real monopole would be a magnetic charge that would exist in a vacuum,” says Michael Bonitz, a physicist at the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics in Kiel, Germany. “What they have is a complicated condensed matter system.”

Within the confines of the spin ice, though, these wandering poles do behave much like monopoles. The poles have magnetic charge that closely agrees with theoretical predictions and interact with each other according to the same law that governs the interaction of electric charges, Coulomb’s Law.

Using brief magnetic pulses, Bramwell and his team have now developed a way to trigger currents of these magnetic charges — “magnetricity” — that last for minutes.

“We apply a magnetic field to create magnetic charges and get them all going the same direction,” says Sean Giblin, a physicist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, England, and a co-author of a paper published online Feb. 13 in Nature Physics.

These currents have revealed new similarities between magnetic and electric charges. The creation and slow dissipation of new magnetic charges follows the exact same principles that govern charged particles in solutions — such as ions in battery electrolytes.

The way that the spin ice stores magnetic charge is also similar to the way existing devices called capacitors store electric charge. So Bramwell’s pie-in-the-sky dream is for magnetricity to someday spawn a new technology called “magnetronics.” But he admits it may take a while to get there, especially because these currents appear only in crystals kept close to absolute zero.

Image: Currents of magnetricity are born when north poles and south poles split up and move around independently of each other. (Courtesy Steven Bramwell)

Video: When a molecule of spin ice flips, it creates two magnetic poles in neighboring pyramids that can be carried away from each other as other molecules flip. (Steven Bramwell/Vimeo)


Early humans were not that different from us?!

February 6, 2011

That human evolution follows a progressive trajectory is one of the most deeply-entrenched assumptions about our species. This assumption is often expressed in popular media by showing cavemen speaking in grunts and monosyllables (the Geico Cavemen being a notable exception). But is this assumption correct? Were the earliest humans significantly different from us?

For you to know the answers, just go to


Universe captured in mind-boggling detail by Sloan Digital Sky Survey

January 30, 2011

With more than a trillion pixels, this is the most detailed digital picture of the universe ever produced.

For you to know more about this news, visit this site:

Don’t fear the f-word in quantum physics

January 24, 2011

WHEN Max Planck came up with the notion of the quantum at the turn of the 20th century, he couldn’t justify it. Nevertheless, the idea that energy couldn’t be split infinitely many times – that there was an indivisible quantum of energy – was the only way he could fit the observed spectrum of radiation from a hot body to a mathematical law. This ruse was, he later said, “an act of despair”.

The strange nature of quantum theory is still forcing us to think outside the scientific comfort zone. Those who do research in quantum physics tend to subscribe to one of a number of “interpretations” of the nature of the real world that flow from the theory.

To read the full article.. Just click this link..
